Privacy Policy

Effective from July 22, 2020.

For Users’ Sake™, FUS Academy™, and Perkspectives™ (together referred to in this Privacy Policy as “we”, “our” or “us”) is committed to protecting and respecting your privacy, and takes its obligations under Canadian privacy legislation very seriously.

This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, transfer and disclose the personal information we collect and hold, and why we do so. It applies to all of our operations, including visitors to the For Users’ SakeFUS Academy and Perkspectives websites (together and separately referred to as our “Website”). By using the Website you consent to the Privacy Policy. We do not make any representations about third-party websites that may be linked to our Website.

We have implemented practices and procedures to comply with the law, to maintain the confidentiality and security of personal information we collect and hold, and to deal with personal information in an open and transparent way.


In this Privacy Policy “personal information” means information or an opinion about a person who is identified, or who can reasonably be identified from that information. The kinds of personal information we collect and hold include:

  1. contact details (including email addresses);
  2. names;
  3. occupations;
  4. details of your visits to our site (including traffic and location information, your IP address, operating system and browser type, which pages you visit, weblogs and other communication information); and
  5. (if you purchase through the Website) credit card details.

We do not collect all of the types of personal information listed above in relation to each person who visits our Website. In many cases, we may have only one or two pieces of information relating to any particular person.


We collect personal information, including when you register with us, for a number of purposes, including enabling you to take full advantage of our Website and services. For example, you may voluntarily submit personal information so that we can provide you with further information or respond to your requests or enquiries.

We may also collect your personal information from time to time for any the following purposes:

  1. to personalize and customize your experience when using our Website (including so that our Website is presented in the most effective manner for you and for your devices);
  2. to manage and enhance our products and services;
  3. for network analysis, security and system administration (including providing support services to customers);
  4. to allow you to participate in any available interactive features of our Website;
  5. to investigate any complaints about or by you, or if we have reason to suspect that you are in breach of any of our terms and conditions or have engaged in any unlawful activity; or
  6. as required or permitted by any law (including Canadian privacy legislation).

Your personal information may be used for the purposes for which it was submitted or collected, or for a related purpose. We may also use your personal information in connection with the general management of our Website and in connection with providing our services.

Your personal information may also be used for ensuring business continuity, maintaining business records and strategic planning and management. We may also use your personal information when complying with legal and regulatory requirements, complying with audits, defending or pursuing litigation and our other record keeping and reporting obligations.


When you visit our Website, we may collect information about your computer including your IP address, operating system and browser type through the use of “cookies”, “applets” or similar devices or programs. This aggregated, de-personalized information assists us to customize your experience of our Website, and to analyze the usage of our Website.

If you contact us (for example, if you submit a request or comment to us, enter any competition, or choose to register or create an account with us), we may collect personal information you provide for that purpose or for a related purpose. We may also collect your personal information when you post material to our Website or to any of our social media profiles.

From time to time, when collecting information from you, we may also ask you to “opt in” to consent to us using or disclosing your personal information other than in accordance with this Privacy Policy or any applicable law. As part of our commitment to protecting your privacy, you will also be given the opportunity to “opt out” from receiving communications from us or from third parties that send communications to you in accordance with this Privacy Policy or in accordance with any additional consent you give, and we will comply with your decision.


We will only disclose your personal information (including to trusted third parties) for the purposes for which it was primarily collected or for a related purpose. In some cases we may only disclose information with your consent. We may also share your personal information with government agencies where we are requested or required to do so.

We will use best endeavours to put arrangements and requirements in place to reasonably provide an adequate level of protection, so that third parties who receive your personal information will also protect its security and confidentiality.


We will take reasonable and appropriate steps to keep your personal information we host or collect secure. For example, we will, where reasonable, implement appropriate technical safeguards in relation to your personal information such as password protection, controlled access and data encryption.

Unfortunately the transmission of information via the internet (by way of an email or otherwise) is never completely secure. While we will take reasonable measures to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee the security of your data transmitted to or from our Website, and any transmission is at your own risk.


In general, we will retain your personal information only for as long as reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy, after which we will take all steps that are reasonable in the circumstances to destroy or de-identify it.


You are entitled to access the personal information we hold about you. You can obtain further information on how to access your personal information from us on request, by contacting us at the address set out below.


We will take steps which are reasonable in the circumstances to ensure that your personal information is accurate, up to date and complete, and is not misleading or irrelevant. We regularly review the personal information we hold. However, you must also update us if any of your personal details change.

If you want to review (and, if necessary, request the correction of) personal information that we may have collected or hold, or if you want to complain about alleged breaches of our privacy obligations, please contact us at [email protected]. We will respond to your requests to access and to correct your personal information as soon as practicable (but in any case within a reasonable period).

In some circumstances, we may refuse to correct your personal information, in which case we will notify you in writing of the reasons for our refusal and the process for taking your request further. In these circumstances, you can ask us to place with the information a statement that you have informed us that the information is inaccurate, incomplete, out of date, irrelevant or misleading and we will take such steps as are reasonable under the circumstances to associate the statement with your information.


We may use external organizations from time to time to manage our IT systems and processes. Some of these organizations may be based overseas (for example, the United States). Your personal information will be shared with those organizations only to the extent necessary in connection with our services.

We may from time to time transfer your personal information overseas to a country that is not subject to a comparable privacy scheme, or to an organization that does not implement privacy protections at least comparable to the obligations that apply in Canadian, and you consent to that transfer by continuing to use the Website.


We review our Privacy Policy from time to time, to ensure it is in line with best practice and up to date with any legislative changes. Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be incorporated into a new version and made available online. Our most recent Privacy Policy will apply to our use of your personal information.


Contact us at [email protected] if you have any concerns about privacy issues, if you believe you have been sent information in breach of this Privacy Policy or any law, or if you have any questions, comments or requests in relation to this Privacy Policy.

We will treat any complaint about a breach of privacy legislation seriously, and will investigate any breach brought to our attention, including how it occurred and how best to prevent such a breach occurring again.